Interestingly, Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome sufferers sometimes notice that they no longer sweat – at all. Other patients describe having the onset of excessive sweating, to the point of pouring like a faucet. In some cases, where the patient has essentially suffered form Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome since birth, treatment can resolve the symptoms of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome while helping the patient to sweat, even if they have never (according to them) sweat before. Most of the patients welcome this change. Frequently, excessive sweating resolves as well, especially if it follows the typical pattern and presentation of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome symptoms. I believe that the excessive sweating may be due to increased amounts of adrenaline secondary to the body’s compensation to persistently low blood pressure, resulting from low body temperature patterns. Patients often describe their sweating to be continual, but frequently it will be made worse upon standing rapidly, which is consistent with low blood pressure problems. They may experience profuse sweating which they will frequently be able to correlate with a sensation of lightheadedness or dizziness when the sweating is at its worst. The body compensates for low blood pressure by gearing up the nervous system (and thereby the sweat glands) to prevent the body from fainting. This process can result in not only sweating, but also increased heart rate, lightheadedness, and even palpitations.
One common manifestation consistent with Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is night sweats. Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome sufferers will frequently notice that they might be awakened out of a sleep dripping wet. Often, they will also notice their heart to be pounding at the same time. These patients may also notice dizziness when they stand up to get out of bed while they are having a night sweat. It is felt these night sweats, heart poundings, and dizziness are probably due to low blood pressure, low blood sugar (because they improve sometimes with a nighttime snack), or both. If patients suffer from low blood pressure secondary to MED, secondary to low body temperature patterns, it would be understandable how the symptoms might be worse at night, since the body temperature patterns are usually lowest while a person is sleeping.