About 75,000 people visit this website every month. Many of them are looking for a doctor that can help them feel better. You’ve seen them before, they are people with classic signs and symptoms of low thyroid function but their TSH is normal and other physicians don’t know how to help them.
Fortunately, many such patients respond beautifully to normalization of their body temperature. To help patients get the help they’re searching for, we provide T3 Certification Training through the Association for the Advancement of Restorative Medicine (AARM). The training covers straightforward T3 protocols for normalizing body temperatures.
Dr. Wilson has trained thousands of physicians in T3 therapy over the past 25 years and many physicians who have taken the training have found such great results and such a prevalent need that they have been able to focus their practices almost entirely on managing thyroid disorders.
The T3 Certification Training is a live training presented by Dr. Wilson and other clinicians and experts in thyroid physiology. In addition to an evidence-based review of low body temperature and symptoms, the training also provides insights on botanical and nutritional protocols for supporting thyroid health. The next opportunity is at the 17th Annual International Restorative Medicine Conference in San Diego, California on the preconference day, September 12, 2019.
You can learn more about treating Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome in this recording by Dr. Denis Wilson. You can read more about poor peripheral thyroid hormone conversion in this peer-reviewed article by Dr. Kent Holtorf, published in the Journal of Restorative Medicine.
Click here to see the guidelines for signing up as a treating physician.