Dr. Wilson graduated from the University of South Florida College of Medicine in 1985. After one year of Family Practice residency, he began practicing medicine in Orlando, FL. After two years of private practice, he began taking an interest in the thyroid system in 1988. By 1989, Dr. Wilson had pretty much worked out the treatment protocol for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome.
The prevailing thought at that time (and still today) was that if the thyroid gland was making enough T4 then
- the cells would automatically get enough thyroid stimulation
- the patient couldn’t be suffering from symptoms that could respond well to thyroid medicine
It was also believed that people who did have thyroid-responsive symptoms would require treatment for life.
Dr. Wilson saw patients that were making enough T4, but that that still suffered from classic low thyroid symptoms, whose
- symptoms often disappeared quickly and completely with a thyroid treatment involving T3, the active thyroid hormone the body makes from T4.
- symptoms remained improved even after the treatment had been discontinued
This suggested the existence of a previously unrecognized reversible thyroid condition (Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome). Dr. Wilson showed that it’s possible to reset a person’s low body temperature to normal using proper T3 therapy, and have it remain improved even after the treatment’s been discontinued. His work suggests there may be a persistent and maladaptive problem with the processing (e.g., T4 to T3 conversion) of thyroid hormones in the tissues of the body, even when thyroid blood tests show that thyroid hormone delivery to the tissues from the glands is normal.
In addition, Dr. Wilson was apparently the first to conceive of sustained-release T3 and to emphasize the importance of it in T3 therapy. In fact, one of his staff appears to be the first person in the world to ever take T3 in a sustained-release form. Dr. Wilson and the staff watched her expectantly over the first few hours, and she reported that she had no complaints and was already feeling better! That occurred in the late 1980’s.
Many years previously, T3 had developed a bad reputation when some doctors started giving it to patients as a treatment for weight loss. Often, patients wouldn’t lose weight but they would get side effects. After that, many doctors would tend to think that any doctor using T3 must be using it to treat weight loss, being either uninformed or irresponsible.
Opposition Dr. Wilson Faced In The Early Years Of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome
Such was the opposition Dr. Wilson faced early on. Doctors assumed and tried to portray Dr. Wilson’s work as being all about weight loss (as opposed to thyroid treatment for thyroid symptoms). Doctors weren’t disagreeing with Dr. Wilson’s views because they didn’t know his views (because his books hadn’t been written yet). They were disagreeing with what they assumed to be Dr. Wilson’s views.
Dr. Wilson was seeing excellent results and more and more patients came for treatment. Later, a few doctors complained to Florida’s Board of Medicine about Dr. Wilson’s treatment of a few patients (even though many of those patients themselves were well pleased with the results they had obtained). One of the complaints involved a woman in her 50’s who had a fatal heart attack that her daughter claimed was from Dr. Wilson’s treatment.
The complaints suggested that Dr. Wilson was using T3 as an inappropriate weight loss treatment, when in fact he was using it as thyroid medicine for thyroid symptoms. It is obvious from Dr. Wilson’s writings that the WT3 protocol is for low thyroid symptoms, not a treatment for weight loss, but his writings weren’t published at that time.
The Board was faced with the expensive proposition of taking those complaints to trial. (In addition, Dr. Wilson chose to get the word out about his treatment approach through heavy advertising, which was a concern for the Board). Likewise, Dr. Wilson was also faced with the expensive proposition of answering those issues in trial. The legal process between the Board and Dr. Wilson took time to transpire, during which he finished and published his book in 1991, Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome – A Reversible Low Temperature Problem (formerly, Wilson’s Syndrome — The Miracle of Feeling Well). However, Dr. Wilson’s legal counsel at the time suggested (perhaps unwisely) that no mention be made of it to the Board and to let perceptions lie as they were.
In order to avoid further expense on both sides, the Board of Medicine and Dr. Wilson entered into a Consent Agreement (compromise). Dr. Wilson agreed not to practice medicine for 6 months, pay a fine of $10,000, and not to treat Wilsons Temperature Syndrome until it was more widely accepted by the medical community. Since the case did not go to trial, it was not determined that Dr. Wilson had done anything wrong in his treatment of patients, nor was it determined that the Board of Medicine did anything wrong in bringing this action against him. In the consent agreement, both sides admitted no wrongdoing. When the 6 months had passed, Dr. Wilson chose not to begin practicing medicine again right away.
Many patients have dramatically recovered their health when they restored their temperatures to normal with the WT3 protocol, often after years of going from doctor to doctor without finding the help they needed. They often ask, “This was such a simple solution for me and there must be millions of people with the same problems, why doesn’t every doctor know about this?”
Consequently, Dr. Wilson has devoted his full energy to educating doctors and patients about Wilsons Temperature Syndrome and its treatment, and has been working to get Wilsons Temperature Syndrome more widely recognized by the medical community. In 1993, Dr. Wilson devoted an entire year to finish the Doctor’s Manual for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. He has lectured about Wilsons Temperature Syndrome at Continuing Medical Education Approved Medical Conventions, appeared on Radio and TV shows, and has developed patient education and other materials.
The good news is that there are now hundreds, and probably thousands, of doctors who are reproducing Dr. Wilson’s fantastic results with the WT3 protocol. Patients all over the world are now obtaining relief for debilitating, and previously baffling symptoms. But Dr. Wilson gives most of the credit for the spread of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome to:
- Patients telling their doctors
- Patients getting treated and ‘reincarnated’, and telling their friends and family
- Doctors telling doctors
- Doctors telling their patients
Though Dr. Wilson has experienced some opposition along the way, almost all of it appears to be due to tradition, and tradition is sometimes a little slow to change. However, in February 1999, the New England Journal of Medicine published an article about how adding T3 to patients’ thyroid treatment can often be beneficial. The article also mentioned that the favored regimen would involve sustained release T3.
Now, Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is starting to be taught in some medical schools.
We also recognize that herbs and nutrients can play a wonderfully supportive role in helping people to maintain good health.
In the beginning, quite a few doctors said there was nothing to the syndrome. Dr. Wilson was convinced otherwise, so he lent his name to the syndrome to prove the point. When Dr. Wilson named Wilsons Temperature Syndrome after himself no one believed it existed, but he stood up for the syndrome and the people suffering from it.
Dr. Wilson is married, has 5 children, is active in his church, and enjoys learning about and implementing technology.