Whenever a practitioner implements a new treatment protocol into his or her practice, it’s always helpful for them to be able to discuss cases with someone who has experience with the protocol. That’s why Dr. Wilson is happy to consult with practitioners on how to implement the WTS protocols with their patients, on a case-by-case basis for free. The more practitioners available to help patients recover, the better it is for everyone.
Over the past 25 years, Dr. Wilson has successfully treated thousands of patients with the protocols and has helped thousands of doctors learn and implement the protocols in their practices. If you are a practitioner you can contact us to arrange a call.
Here are options if you are a patient:
- Your practitioner can call that same number and Dr. Wilson will be happy to discuss your case with your practitioner for free (Dr. Wilson can do 3 way calls with the practitioner and patient as well).
- If you would like ideas on how to speak to your doctor click here.
- Click here to find a practitioner.
- Wondering why many doctors don’t know about WTS? Read more here.