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Bruising, Increased

Bruising, Increased

When the tone of the vessels becomes more relaxed, blood vessels can be more easily ruptured. Bruises are areas in the skin where blood vessels have been ruptured with the blood seeping into the surrounding tissue. This can result in soreness and discoloration of the skin that are familiar to all of us. Bruises are cleared by special “clean-up” cells of the body. The function of these cells, like the function of virtually all cells, is dependent upon the proper functioning of enzymes. Multiple Enzyme Dysfunction can, therefore, explain a phenomenon that is sometimes seen in Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome patients.

I remember one patient who pointed to bruises on her leg and said that “I have had this bruise for six months, this bruise for one year, and this bruise for two years.” I was astonished and could barely believe that she could have a bruise that could last for two years. However, it seemed to be a difficult thing to invent and she seemed quite sincere about it. And it didn’t sound too hard to imagine since there are some people who have difficulty healing scratches that many remain open for as long as six months, or may take even longer to heal. At any rate, as you may have guessed, her bruises resolved within one month of her body temperature patterns being normalized with proper thyroid supplementation. Thus, Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome sufferers bruise more easily, more frequently, and those bruises can last longer than is appropriate.