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Arthritis and Muscular/Joint Aches

Arthritis and Muscular/Joint Aches

These symptoms seem to be related to the fluid retention, either obvious or microscopic and could be related to Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. These symptoms seem to come and go in a pattern that is similar, with regard to body temperature patterns and body temperature fluctuations to that of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome symptoms related to fluid retention. Fluid retention or swelling plays a role in inflammation. It is well known that inflammation can be painful and that it can impair wound healing and recovery from injuries. For this reason, anti-inflammatory medicines are frequently prescribed to decrease inflammation in order to decrease the pain and to aid in healing. Worsened inflammation can be a disturbing manifestation of a low body temperature pattern. For example, perhaps a person accidentally injuries his back at work and the stress of the back injury, being laid up in the hospital, and being out of work causes a drop in body temperature patterns resulting in the development of the symptoms of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. The patient’s back problems, consequently, may not resolve or respond as well as those of other patients. His convalescence and recuperation compared to other patients might be prolonged and disappointing.

WS sufferers commonly have muscular and joint aches that respond well to proper thyroid hormone treatment. The arthritis associated with Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome frequently follows patterns of presentation, persistence, and resolution of other symptoms of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. For example, the arthritis and muscular aches might be more severe in the morning upon awakening, better during the day, and worse again in the evening, and correspond with improvement and worsening of other symptoms of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome with temperature changes.