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The intricate web of the endocrine system

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You’ve heard about this domino effect before. Chronic stress and ensuing adrenal dysfunction can adversely affect thyroid function, leading to fatigue (especially in the morning), disrupted sleep, body aches, low blood pressure, light-headedness, salt and sugar cravings and brain fog.

But did you know that the reverse is also true? Low thyroid hormone activity can lead to adrenal gland dysfunction. In fact, all parts of the endocrine system are interrelated and impact each other. It’s best known as the “HPA” axis- the intricate web of the endocrine glands- the Hypothalamus, Pituitary and Adrenal glands.

“Experimentally induced hypothyroidism is associated with

You are not crazy

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It’s a complaint I’ve heard many times. Women struggling with thyroid issues tell me their doctors view them as difficult or demanding, since the doctors don’t know how to resolve their physical symptoms. “The tendency is usually to prescribe Synthroid, Levoxyl or another brand name or generic form of levothyroxine (T4), and then write off any unresolved symptoms as unrelated to the thyroid problem, as a consequence of poor lifestyle choices, or even, as a somatoform disorder, also known as a psychosomatic disease,” writes one prominent alternative endocrinology expert, Kent Holtorf, M.D., of Torrance, CA.

The unresolved symptoms may include fatigue,

Low body temperature linked to obesity in new study

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In my 1992 book on Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome, I shared my clinical findings linking low body temperature and easy weight gain. Now these same findings are being documented in the medical literature. A new study has found that obese people (BMI >30) have lower body temperature during the day than normal weight people. The obese people had an average body temperature that was .63 degrees F cooler than normal weight people. The researchers calculated that this lower body temperature—which reflects a lower metabolic rate—would result in a body fat accumulation of approximately 160 grams per month, or four

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