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Wondering why you’re cold?

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The primary sign for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome (WTS) is low body temperature, which can sometimes be the sole indicator that thyroid hormones aren’t quite right. Often, standard thyroid tests don’t reflect Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome because there are different ways that the body can experience hypothyroidism that tests can’t measure. For example, there may be a problem with thyroid hormone transport, T4 to T3 conversion, or perhaps thyroid receptors that just aren’t responding to thyroid hormone appropriately. No matter what the cause, the end result is that the person experiences low body temperature and hypothyroid symptoms that can include

You are not crazy

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It’s a complaint I’ve heard many times. Women struggling with thyroid issues tell me their doctors view them as difficult or demanding, since the doctors don’t know how to resolve their physical symptoms. “The tendency is usually to prescribe Synthroid, Levoxyl or another brand name or generic form of levothyroxine (T4), and then write off any unresolved symptoms as unrelated to the thyroid problem, as a consequence of poor lifestyle choices, or even, as a somatoform disorder, also known as a psychosomatic disease,” writes one prominent alternative endocrinology expert, Kent Holtorf, M.D., of Torrance, CA.

The unresolved symptoms may include fatigue,

Do you Dread Winter? Check your Body Temperature!

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If all you want to do is burrow into your couch and hibernate when winter comes around, check your body temperature. It’s possible that you have low thyroid hormone function.

Low thyroid hormone function causes low metabolism, which leads to low body temperature–consistently below 98.5 F., or 36.94 C, but typically lower than 97.8 F, or 36.56 C.

Low body temperature due to low thyroid hormone activity can cause many of the symptoms you might blame on chilly winds and dark days such as dry skin, cold hands and feet, fatigue, weight gain and carb cravings, leg cramps, poor immunity and

Can thyroid disorders lead to addictions?

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Well no, thyroid disorder does not directly cause addiction. But it can cause vague mental symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, cognitive problems, nervousness, irritability, and fatigue that can drive a person to self-medicate with legal or illegal drugs, including alcohol, in order to feel better. Ongoing drug or alcohol use can, in turn, affect thyroid hormone levels. Drug or alcohol use appear to inhibit the liver’s ability to make the proteins that help convert T4 to T3, for instance. It can also lead to a build-up of inactive forms of thyroid hormone. And it’s speculated that low thyroid hormone activity

Depressed? You may want to check your thyroid

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If you’re depressed, and especially if you haven’t responded all that well to antidepressants, you may want to have your thyroid function checked. In fact the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists states: “The diagnosis of subclinical or clinical hypothyroidism must be considered in every patient with depression.”  That’s recommended because it is well known that when patients have slow metabolism due to low thyroid hormone production from hypothyroidism, they can easily have depression that can respond dramatically to thyroid hormone treatment.  It’s also recommended because many doctors are