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The intricate web of the endocrine system

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You’ve heard about this domino effect before. Chronic stress and ensuing adrenal dysfunction can adversely affect thyroid function, leading to fatigue (especially in the morning), disrupted sleep, body aches, low blood pressure, light-headedness, salt and sugar cravings and brain fog.

But did you know that the reverse is also true? Low thyroid hormone activity can lead to adrenal gland dysfunction. In fact, all parts of the endocrine system are interrelated and impact each other. It’s best known as the “HPA” axis- the intricate web of the endocrine glands- the Hypothalamus, Pituitary and Adrenal glands.

“Experimentally induced hypothyroidism is associated with

Can Treating Adrenal Dysfunction Help Alcoholism or Other Addictions?

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Despite the fact that alcohol and drug rehab has become commonplace, seemingly trendy in some cases, relapse rates remain abysmal. Fewer than half of the people who go through treatment make it three months without relapsing. Research shows that the people who are most vulnerable to relapse have real problems regulating their bodies’ stress response. They have what researchers call “dysregulation of stress pathways” or HPA-axis dysfunction. (HPA stand for hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal. These are the three big stress-regulating glands in the body, and all three work together.) People with HPA-axis dysfunction have high baseline levels of CRH, the hormone that calls