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Who Gets Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome?

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Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is the cluster of often debilitating symptoms especially brought on by physical or emotional stress that can persist even after the stress has passed (due to maladaptive slowing of the metabolism). It usually responds characteristically to the normalization of body temperature patterns (especially through the use of a special T3 therapy protocol and/or certain natural medicines). It is characterized by a body temperature that runs, on average, below normal, but routine thyroid blood tests are often in the “normal” range.

Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is especially brought on by stresses such as: childbirth (#1 cause), divorce, death

Could Holiday Stress Impact Your Health?

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Life gets complicated around the holidays; we tend to overbook our social schedules to squeeze in as many events as possible. Although it is intended to be fun, sometimes there is an underlying pressure to create the perfect holiday ambiance, which can cause more stress than enjoyment. sb10067060j-001

Stress can upset your thyroid gland in complicated and profound ways. New research shows that the effects of stress on your thyroid can be long-lasting and hinder your resilience (your ability to recover from trauma).

One study found that women who had experienced

Stress: A one-two punch to the thyroid

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Last month I wrote about the endocrine system and how adrenal overload can cause fatigue, weight gain, and eventually affect the thyroid. This month, I’d like to focus on how life’s stresses impede the production and utilization of thyroid hormone and what you can do about it.

You already know that long term, chronic stress is one of the most common factors for adrenal dysfunction. When adrenals suffer, it influences other related endocrine organs, such as pituitary and hypothalamus. Collectively, this is called the “HPA” axis, or the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, which works on a feedback system. The

Is your body a symphony?

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I am often asked if the adrenals are important in relation to the thyroid. My answer is YES- very important! For such a small pair of organs, the adrenal glands have a lot of influence over our entire wellbeing. They are part of the endocrine system, a collection of tiny organs that work in concert to control the production and secretion of the chemical messengers produced in our body. Some of these include hormones and neurotransmitters, which send signals and instructions to different parts of our body. Similar to the conductor of an orchestra, who signals certain players on

Is your doctor practicing ageism?

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Have you been told your thyroid is a little low, but that it’s OK because you are “old” and that’s what happens to old people?

Well, a low temperature may not affect your life expectancy but it can have a huge impact on your quality of life. The list of symptoms is long, and it includes fatigue, intolerance to cold, dry skin, puffy eyes, muscle cramps, weak muscles, constipation, depression, slow thinking and poor memory. Your doctor may tend to dismiss these symptoms as simply signs of aging, but where does one draw the line? It’s

You are not crazy

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It’s a complaint I’ve heard many times. Women struggling with thyroid issues tell me their doctors view them as difficult or demanding, since the doctors don’t know how to resolve their physical symptoms. “The tendency is usually to prescribe Synthroid, Levoxyl or another brand name or generic form of levothyroxine (T4), and then write off any unresolved symptoms as unrelated to the thyroid problem, as a consequence of poor lifestyle choices, or even, as a somatoform disorder, also known as a psychosomatic disease,” writes one prominent alternative endocrinology expert, Kent Holtorf, M.D., of Torrance, CA.

The unresolved symptoms may include fatigue,

Aches and pains aren’t just from aging

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Doctors learn in medical school, but perhaps tend to forget, that low thyroid function can cause joint pain. This condition also causes muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness (especially in the shoulders and hips), swelling of the knee joint and small joints in the hands and feet, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

This connection is not that surprising, since thyroid hormones play a role in cartilage and joint metabolism, bone metabolism, peripheral blood flow, nerve conduction, and proper reflex response. It’s a fact that low thyroid function increases the risk for carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, Raynaud’s syndrome, osteoarthritis, muscle weakness and poor

The Thyroid-Gut-Autoimmune Connection

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To have healthy thyroid function, you need a healthy intestinal tract. And to have a healthy intestinal tract, you need healthy thyroid function. The two are more connected than most of us could ever imagine. Here’s how it works:

Perhaps you’ve heard of something called “leaky gut” syndrome. It’s a condition where the intestinal lining becomes more permeable than normal. This allows large molecules of protein that shouldn’t make it through this selective barrier to migrate into the body. There, the molecules trigger the body’s immune system and may set off an autoimmune reaction where the immune system starts to attack

Is it More than Menopause?

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As women get older, a lot of symptoms, both physical and mental, are simply attributed to menopause. Doctors may even suggest this, leaving many women to believe their symptoms can not improve.

However, there are some symptoms that should be recognized as a red flag for the possibility of associated hypothyroidism, or low-thyroid function, which can exacerbate just about all of the symptoms of menopause. Fatigue, depressed mood, foggy thinking, cold intolerance, sudden high cholesterol, thinning hair, and weight gain despite exercise and healthy eating mean it’s time to check your thyroid function.

Hypothyroidism becomes more common in women as they

Turn Up Your Brown Fat Thermostat

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Researchers interested in developing drugs to treat obesity have turned their attention to brown fat, hoping to strike gold. Here’s why this metabolically-active form of fat has gotten their interest, and how you can make sure your own brown fat is working optimally.

First, brown fat is unique. Its primary function is to generate heat, a process called thermogenesis. It does this by burning fatty acids and sugar, just as is done in cellular energy metabolism. But instead of producing energy, brown fat has an “uncoupling” protein that shunts the process to the pathway of heat production. Brown fat helps to

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