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This is the best that I have ever felt in my life

I have been taking T3 [for two months].

This is the best that I have ever felt in my life. I read the Doctor’s Manual and from what I understand, now is when I should be weaning off of it. I am reducing my dose and my temperature is normal still. I feel great and have good energy.

Do people just do one cycle of T3 and then never need it or only in times of high stress or do they go on and off it for the rest of their life?

Thank you for answering my questions.
Elisabeth H.


Dear Elisabeth,

Yes, some people seem to need only one cycle and may not need it again. On the other hand, some patients do relapse under periods of severe stress and may need to take some T3 (usually, the sooner the relapse is caught, the less medicine and the less time is needed to correct it). Other than that, patients don’t usually need to go on and off it for the rest of their life.

Denis Wilson, MD


About the Author:

Denis Wilson, MD described Wilson 's Temperature Syndrome in 1988 after observing people with symptoms of low thyroid and low body temperature, yet who had normal blood tests. He found that by normalizing their temperatures with T3 (without T4) their symptoms often remained improved even after the treatment was discontinued. He was the first doctor to use sustained-release T3.

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