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About Dr. Denis Wilson

Denis Wilson, MD described Wilson 's Temperature Syndrome in 1988 after observing people with symptoms of low thyroid and low body temperature, yet who had normal blood tests. He found that by normalizing their temperatures with T3 (without T4) their symptoms often remained improved even after the treatment was discontinued. He was the first doctor to use sustained-release T3.

Great New Book About Multiple Sclerosis

There’s No Pill For This: A Naturopathic Physician’s Personal Prescription for Managing Multiple Sclerosis was written by Michaël Friedman, ND.  He is an expert on the use of herbal medicine for supporting thyroid and adrenal health and is the founder of the Association for the Advancement of Restorative Medicine.  He also has multiple sclerosis (MS) and has written down many wonderful insights for the management of MS.  Dr. Friedman has written this book not only from the perspective of an expert in natural healing but also from the perspective of a patient.  If you or someone you know needs

New Additions to our List of Treating Practitioners

We regularly add new practitioners to our List of Treating Practitioners (which you can search by your zip code).  They are ready to assist you with your health goals.

We recently added these three physicians:

  • Shirley Mirpuri, ND in Singapore
  • Miriam Mikicki, MD in London
  • Kristi Wrightson Harter, ND in Santa Barbara, California

Click here if you’d like to find a practitioner near you.

Lose Body Fat By NOT Going Hungry

“Eat less, exercise more” is perhaps the most common advice doctors give for losing excess body fat. Despite this advice, the average body mass index for adults in the US has reached 30, which is the definition of obesity.  In other words, it is now typical for US adults to be obese. Obesity increases the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and dementia.  So, what can we do to turn this around?

When we eat a meal, we enter the fed state. When the energy from that meal runs out, we start to get hungry and enter the non-fed

There is no Faster and Easier Way to Get Fit than Fastercise

There is no Faster and Easier Way to Get Fit than Fastercise 
That’s a bold statement, but I believe it’s true. I  know you’re busy this time of year, so I’ll get right to the point.  If you are looking to lose extra pounds of body fat you may have gained over the holidays, or even get into the best shape of your life, I’m sure you will be delighted by the results my new fitness approach delivers. I call it Fastercise, and this program delivers results without you having to go hungry or even going to the gym. As you may

The Thyroid- Stress Connection

Stress- related health concerns are the most common reasons patients visit their doctors. Experienced physicians understand that stress is at the root cause of some of the most prevalent health concerns. For many people, stress is chronic and long term, which can really take a toll on a person’s health and psychological wellbeing. To better understand the role of stress in disease, researchers conducted an animal study in 2018 to explore how stress can lead to thyroid dysfunction specifically, both directly and indirectly.

Hypothyroidism can be caused by a variety of factors, such as autoimmune disorders, nutrient deficiencies, or environmental toxin

The Significance of Thyroid Nodules

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A thyroid nodule is an abnormal growth of thyroid cells that create a small lump in the thyroid gland. Oftentimes they go unnoticed, especially if they are small. Nodules are very common, in fact about half of the adults over 60 have them. Most are non-cancerous, but less than 10% contain cancerous cells and need to be removed. Rarely, nodules can increase production of thyroid hormone, in which case they have the potential to contribute to hyperthyroidism.

Nodules are often associated with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (the most common cause of hypothyroidism). Nodules are believed to be caused by

What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know about Gluten Sensitivity Could Hurt Your Thyroid

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Even though awareness has never been greater, research shows that the overwhelming majority of people with gluten sensitivity are unaware that a simple dietary change could make a big difference in their health. And sometimes we would prefer not to know, because maintaining a diet without gluten can be challenging at first!

wheatSome people are sensitive to the gluten, which is found not only in wheat, but other grains such as barley, rye and spelt, without even being aware of it. This sensitivity can lead to a “wearing away” of the

What’s so special about a thermometer?

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Do you have the proper thermometer to track your body temp?

I recommend liquid metal thermometers because digital thermometers are less accurate when the battery is low, without telling you that they’re inaccurate (because the battery is low!). Also, they can become inaccurate when they are dropped from a height of 4 to 6 inches (What if that happened in shipping?).

The thermometers we recommend are individually tested and marked for accuracy at the factory. You might be able to find this same thermometer in your local pharmacy or large retailer.

I recommend that you check your

Can a Detox Help Your Thyroid?

Many chemicals in our environment have the potential to disrupt thyroid function. They include everyday household products, prescription drugs, and chemicals used in agriculture and manufacturing. These chemicals end up in our water, air, food, and eventually, in our blood, fat stores, liver, breast milk, and babies.

These chemicals often break down very slowly. They can persist in the environment for years after they are banned, and in our bodies even long after our exposure to them has ended. They can cause hypo- or hyperthyroidism. They can cause autoimmune problems including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Graves disease. Some impair T3 activation

  • Cholesterol can drop with normalizing body temperature

Cholesterol Can Drop Dramatically With T3 Therapy

A low body temperature can easily explain high cholesterol levels.  To us, a low body temperature indicates a slowed metabolism.  An abnormally slow metabolism can occur in hypothyroidism due to inadequate production of T4, but more often, it is due to inadequate conversion of T4 to T3 inside the cells of the body.  Since most of this T4 to T3 conversion happens intracellularly, it is invisible to thyroid blood tests.  That’s why people can have low body temperatures even when their thyroid blood tests are normal.  Studies show that people with inadequately treated hypothyroidism are more likely to have high

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