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About Dr. Denis Wilson

Denis Wilson, MD described Wilson 's Temperature Syndrome in 1988 after observing people with symptoms of low thyroid and low body temperature, yet who had normal blood tests. He found that by normalizing their temperatures with T3 (without T4) their symptoms often remained improved even after the treatment was discontinued. He was the first doctor to use sustained-release T3.

Toxins could be making you fat and sick

Way back around 40 years ago there wasn’t very much thyroid illness.  But now, over 11% of people have thyroid issues that show up on blood tests and that doesn’t even count all the people with thyroid problems that don’t show up on blood tests.  Sadly, this isn’t just among grownups.  The number of babies born with hypothyroidism has doubled.

Guess what else has gone up in that period of time?  Toxins and obesity. Pesticide use in the US has increased tenfold in the last 40 years and the amount of money spent on

Optimize your health with herbs

According to the World Health Organization, 80% of the world’s population rely on medicinal plant preparations for their primary healthcare needs.

Plants contain phytochemicals such as alkaloids, anthraquinones, coumarins, fats, flavonoids, glycosides, gums, iridoids, mucilages, phenols, phytoestrogens, tannins, terpenes to mention a few.  Many of these compounds have a healthy effect on the human body.  After all, the plant kingdom is the nourishment of all animal life.

In conventional (allopathic) medicine, doctors have been trained to value specificity. They tend to look for that one single compound that will address a certain health

You gave me back the REAL ME

OOOHHHH my ….THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU…..I am so glad I found your web site. I called one of the Dr’s on your list. He started me on the WT3 7.5, and I just had to go up to 15 mcg twice daily and I am a NEW PERSON…The real me is back and stronger, smarter etc…than ever. THANK YOU !!!!!!! A million times :):):)

It happened quick for me. This is only my 4th week and I noticed a huge change immediately. I have been hypothyroid for over 10 years,

Lose weight by stopping wheat?

Doctors have known for over 50 years that some people can be sensitive to proteins (gluten [(gliadin, glutenin]) found in wheat.  The body can react to these proteins causing inflammation in the gut that can actually destroy the parts of the small intestines that absorb nutrients. This is called Celiac disease.

However, some believe that the 1 in 105 people in the US with Celiac disease is just the tip of the iceberg.  Some believe that almost everyone is intolerant to wheat to some degree.  This is especially true since recently when most

Brain fog lifted about 2 months into the program!

Thanks a million for the Wilson’s protocol. Taking T3 only for about 3 months got rid of my reverse T3 over 2 years ago, and I just had some lab work done and rT3 is still very low (even though I am back on dessicated thyroid since then)! Yay!!!! I couldn’t believe how the brain fog lifted about 2 months into the program! How lucky that we live in the age of the internet with all this wealth of information at our fingertips and even luckier that there are still dedicated professionals like

Is extra body fat a big deal?

Research is starting to show that fat is not only a result of gaining weight, it can also be a cause of gaining weight.  For that reason, it’s better not to gain excess fat to begin with, but it also means that it’s important to lose the excess fat we do have, and soon.

There’s been a 3 fold increase in child and adolescent obesity in the last 20 years!  That’s a HUGE change in a SHORT time.  Children get less exercise these days and they are eating too much (especially of the wrong

This is the best that I have ever felt in my life

I have been taking T3 [for two months].

This is the best that I have ever felt in my life. I read the Doctor’s Manual and from what I understand, now is when I should be weaning off of it. I am reducing my dose and my temperature is normal still. I feel great and have good energy.

Do people just do one cycle of T3 and then never need it or only in times of high stress or do they go on and off it for the rest of their life?

Thank you for answering my questions.
Elisabeth H.


Dear Elisabeth,

Yes, some people seem

Simple secrets that can help you regain your health

Many of us feel as though we don’t have time to exercise or can’t afford to eat right.  But the truth is we can’t afford NOT to!  When we are in good health our brains work better.  We can think faster, have better insights, pay closer attention, notice more things, and remember better.  All of this will help us get much more accomplished in our lives.

Sometimes our lives get unbalanced and we spend too much time working and stressing while trying to find comfort in the wrong kind of food and too much inactivity.  This can take a serious toll

Optimize your thyroid health by avoiding this toxin

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a synthetic chemical found in many products today such as plastic baby bottles, food containers, food and beverage can linings, polycarbonate plastics, dental sealants, and many more.  One of the biggest sources of BPA is from the paper that receipts are printed on at the store!

Unfortunately, it appears that BPA can block the binding of T3 to the thyroid hormone receptors.  Of course, the whole purpose of T3 is to bind with the thyroid hormone receptors so that it can have it’s action.  Without binding, there is no

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