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T3 Hormone Sources

Sources of Sustained Release T3

The WT3 protocol works much better with much less side effects when the T3 is mixed with a sustained release agent. T3 is compounded with a sustained release agent by pharmacists and the pharmacy you use can be important in terms of efficacy since not all pharmacists have the same knowledge, experience, equipment, or skill.

United States

A & O Pharmacy  888-960-1020 in Salinas, California

  • Dr. Wilson has done webinars with them for physicians and they provide excellent support on the T3 protocol.
  • They have state-of-the-art equipment to compound the T3 properly.
  • They provide all the Starter Packs Dr. Wilson recommends.

Wellness Pharmacy 800 227 2627 in Birmingham, Alabama.

  • Dr. Wilson first started recommending them 23 years ago.  They provide excellent support on the T3 protocol.
  • They have state-of-the-art equipment to compound the T3 properly.
  • They provide all the Starter Packs Dr. Wilson recommends.



Kripp’s Pharmacy in British Columbia, Canada. (604) 687-2564

Gail’s Apothecary and Compounding Pharmacy in Alberta, Canada. (403) 329-4121