Read an abstract of an article about the WT3 Protocol in a peer-reviewed medical journal on, or you can review the article in its entirety.
The “standard of care” is defined by a specific set of legal criteria. This is a letter with a legal expert’s statement .
Dear Physician,
I am a registered pharmacist and a licensed attorney, and I have been practicing FDA and medical licensing law for over 10 years. I have reviewed the science and the research of the WT3 protocol and discussed the treatment protocol with many practicing physicians. Based on my assessment, I believe that the use of Sustained Release T3 (SR-T3) in the treatment of Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome has achieved a critical mass of medical physicians showing SR-T3 as within standard of care treatment.
Please find and sign the enclosed Consensus Statement. WTSmed has recently begun gathering signatures on and has already collected dozens of these Consensus Statements signed by licensed physicians. This will enable us to prepare a legal document that can be used in all 50 states to protect physicians from actions by medical boards and from patient liability. The more physicians that sign this document the more your legal grounds for using the WT3 protocol will increasingly be reinforced.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by calling WTSmed.
Rakesh M. Amin
Attorney, RPh.
If you are a physician and would like to sign the Consensus Statement, you can read the Consensus Statement below and then click the button that follows the Consensus Statement.
We as physicians find the use of T3 mixed with a sustained release agent (SR-T3) to be a reasonable and acceptable form of treatment, and we use it as a standard form of patient care. As physicians from all 50 states, with diverse backgrounds ranging from Ob-Gyn to Family Practice, we as a group believe the following:
- Non-specific symptoms consistent with low thyroid function that are, at times, attributed to conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgia and depression, often respond well to increasing the patient’s oral temperature to 98.6 degrees (on average) using SR-T3 therapy.
- We do not feel that every patient with an oral temperature that averages less than 98.6 degrees or every patient that has these symptoms needs SR-T3 therapy. We recognize that there are other medical conditions aside from Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome (WTS) that can cause these symptoms and these symptoms can respond to other treatment modalities.
- These symptoms can respond well to normalization of the body temperature with SR-T3 therapy even when all blood tests, including thyroid function studies, are normal.
- These symptoms and the oral temperature will often remain improved after SR-T3 therapy has been discontinued.
- This suggests that SR-T3 therapy can be used to recalibrate a patient’s physiology in much the same way that the short-term use of female hormones for regulating periods can restore long-term, normal menstrual rhythm.
- The pathological defect in Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome and the mechanism by which Wilson’s T-3 protocol (WT3 protocol) corrects Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome are not completely understood. Though Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome could involve a defect in peripheral thyroid hormone conversion and/or expression, it is possible that there may be a plurality of mechanisms involved that all contribute to the same end – decreased body temperature – and some of these mechanisms may not be thyroid related. It appears that correcting the body temperature often corrects the underlying problem.
- The WT3 protocol as described in the Doctor’s Manual for Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is generally well tolerated. It is not completely without risk and SR-T3 therapy must be carefully managed and monitored. However, in our experience, for most patients, the potential benefits greatly outweigh the risks.
- We do not feel that studies done with suppressive doses of T4 necessarily apply to suppressive doses of T3 therapy. We do not feel that low TSH levels necessarily indicate hyperthyroidism or are necessarily accompanied by symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Indeed, patients on suppressive doses of T4 with low TSH levels can still have low temperatures and symptoms consistent with hypothyroidism.
- We do not feel that the debilitating symptoms we treat are simply a “normal part of living.” Indeed, many other doctors recognize these symptoms as needing treatment. Many of our patients have gone from doctor to doctor and have had the same symptoms treated in different ways.
- We do not feel that the improvement in symptoms that are obtained by normalizing body temperatures with the WT3 protocol can be attributed to the placebo effect.
- The symptoms we treat often do not get better “on their own.” Many of our patients have suffered with the debilitating effects of these symptoms for many, many years.
What happened to treat the patient not the machine? How about treat the patient not the blood test!