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brown fat

Not all fats are equal

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Obesity and diabetes are reaching epidemic proportion in the US. Researchers are looking for answers to these closely associated problems, knowing that a single magic bullet is unlikely. Weight management and blood sugar control are complex issues that need to be tackled from many angles, including exercise, thyroid hormone optimization, daily food choices, stress management, detoxification and even psychological factors which individuals may struggle with.
Metabolism plays a major role in weight management. Metabolism is the rate at which your body uses energy- in other words- how fast your “motor” runs.

Hypothyroidism is a well-known cause of slow

Turn Up Your Brown Fat Thermostat

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Researchers interested in developing drugs to treat obesity have turned their attention to brown fat, hoping to strike gold. Here’s why this metabolically-active form of fat has gotten their interest, and how you can make sure your own brown fat is working optimally.

First, brown fat is unique. Its primary function is to generate heat, a process called thermogenesis. It does this by burning fatty acids and sugar, just as is done in cellular energy metabolism. But instead of producing energy, brown fat has an “uncoupling” protein that shunts the process to the pathway of heat production. Brown fat helps to