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Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is undiagnosable with blood tests.

Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is undiagnosable with blood tests.

Every other low thyroid problem has to do with how well thyroid hormone is delivered to the tissues. Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome has to do with how well those hormones are processed in the tissues after they get there (regardless of whether those hormones are produced by the body or from medicine, in other words people on T4-containing thyroid medicine may still not feel well if those hormones aren’t being processed well in the tissues. The blood stream is the “mailman” that delivers to the tissues the thyroid hormones that have been shipped from the glands (or thyroid medicine). The blood tests can’t show how well your tissues process thyroid hormones any better than the mailman can say for sure what happens to all the mail he delivers. He has a good idea of what’s supposed to happen, but he doesn’t know for sure exactly what does happen. The T4 produced in the thyroid gland is not the active form of thyroid hormone. T3 is the active form of thyroid hormone. Most T3 is made from T4 in the tissues of the body, after T4 leaves the blood stream. Poor processing of thyroid hormones in the tissues (invisible to blood tests) can easily explain why some patients with normal tests This explains why patients with normal thyroid tests and even patients with high free T3 and/or Total T3 levels, or low RT3 levels can still respond fantastically well to the treatment.