“One must feel sad that this information is not only widely unknown, but also ignored”
– James Webber, MD
#1: Reliable T3 SR has made a significant impact on my effective treatment regimes for impaired/suboptimal thyroid function. The titration scheme utilizing body temperature as a reflection of T3’s impact on a trillion or more of the patient’s cells is extraordinary and extremely practical (not to mention cost-effective and patient involving)! The correlation between rising body temperature to optimum and massive reduction in symptoms is nearly astounding! The philosophy of correcting the underlying deficiency rather than merely addressing the symptoms (with pharmaceuticals or even health foods) is particularly refreshing!
#2: Usually adding T3 is helpful in those patients who have a problem with T4-T3 conversion. I would venture to guess that at least a third of all hypothyroid patients have this problem, here or at the cellular receptor site. In this population, at least 80% of my patients at least benefit.
#3: Since probably 40% of the American population has suboptimal thyroid function, and a third of these patients have a T4-T3 difficulty, possibly 13% of the population could benefit. That is 13% of 250 million people=32.5 million people, just in this country!! When one ponders how much people spend in the health food industry to improve energy, mood, sexuality, skin and hair, immunity, etc. when the underlying cause is a flawed thyroid system, one must feel sad that this information is not only widely unknown, but also ignored. My guess is that 95% of doctors do not know enough about Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome to even try the treatment. Probably less that 75% have even heard of it.
#4: If a patient also has adrenal, ovarian/gonal dysfunction as well as thyroid difficulties, I am not optimistic these patients will experience a “cure” using the protocol. However, they all can usually benefit from Sustained Release T3 as a continuous treatment (Oftener that not these type of patients have a identified or unidentified autoimmune problem).
#5: The more knowledgeable patients always do better and are easier to treat than those who do not interact with the knowledge base.
#6: I favor the Doctor’s Manual over the patient book, because most doctors are rookies themselves, and are learning about Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome as they treat the patient. It’s easier for both patient and doctor if they are reading the same pages! Also the Doctor’s Manual’s format and illustrations are better. There is also a trend for the patient to be on an equal footing with the doctor, or that the doctor give the patient a little more credit/respect that in the past. I have found that patients interested in Wilson’s treatment are frustrated with “conventional” treatment, and in general, have self-educated themselves to a larger degree than other patient groups through necessity (because they have learned if they are mere sheep, they do not progress).
#7: T3 therapy has helped many of my patients fell better. Importantly, it has also worked for me personally. I thought I had made a huge jump forward some years ago by incorporating T4-T3 containing Armour Thyroid in my practice. This was a quantum leap from simple T4 preparations. I noticed though, that I had a fair percentage of treatment failures—about a third. Getting fluent with T3 therapy has made a tremendous difference for those “hard” patients. I would encourage my colleagues to embrace the frontier and step over it! The rewards are impressive!
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