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A Clinical Report on the Use of Sustained Release T3 for Low Body Temperature

Hypothyroidism is defined as inadequate thyroid hormone production, leading to slow metabolism, and is diagnosed by a lab test showing high thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level. Standard treatment is lifetime thyroid hormone medication. But it’s not unusual for a patient to have all the classic symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue, weight gain, low body temperature, and depression, yet have a normal TSH.  The reason for this is that the TSH doesn’t measure metabolic rate, so it’s easy for people to have slow metabolisms even though their thyroid hormone production is normal.  On the other hand, body temperature is a direct measure

The Role of Iodine and Selenium in Autoimmune Thyroiditis

Iodine is a crucial trace mineral the body uses for the production of thyroid hormone, and without enough of it, a person can become hypothyroid. Most Americans don’t get a lot of iodine in their diet, in part because it’s present in foods we rarely consume, such as seaweed and fish. But we can get enough iodine in the daily diet by using iodized salt and by taking dietary supplements. Often, people choose to take high doses of iodine to support healthy thyroid function. However, we encourage people to take selenium when they take iodine.  

It’s important

The Gut-Thyroid Connection

As scientists more deeply explore the gastrointestinal environment, otherwise known as the microbiome, they are gaining awareness that it is connected to many other bodily functions. Through their research, we’re learning that the state of the microbiome influences not only digestive function, but also the brain and cognitive function, neurotransmitters, the immune system, and possibly thyroid function. When the microbiome is lacking healthy bacteria in balanced proportions, due to damage from toxins, medication use or poor diet, inflammation ensues. Over time, that inflammation becomes systemic and can affect all the other systems of the body which the gut is connected

  • slow metabolism

Hypothyroid symptoms and why we need to understand deiodinases

It’s not uncommon for a person to experience hypothyroid symptoms and be told by their doctor that all their lab tests are “normal” and that it can’t be a thyroid problem. It’s frustrating for both the physician and the patient, who just wants to feel better. So what is the solution? It may simply be a matter of understanding deiodinases and looking for treatments to help them work better.

What’s a deiodinase?

Deiodinase is a category of enzymes which support conversion of inactive T4 thyroid hormone to the active form T3 in the body. The enzyme activates the hormone by removing iodine

Why Starvation Rarely Helps Weight Loss

When weight loss is a goal, the focus should be on boosting metabolism in order speed weight loss. Metabolism is the rate at which your body uses energy, or ATP. When it is slow, it causes bodily functions to slow down, so as you can imagine, the associated symptoms of a slow metabolism are fatigue, depression, feeling cold, and being sluggish. A slow metabolism represents bodily functions being in conservation mode, making it very difficult to lose weight.

There are many factors which can slow metabolism, including lack of sleep, nutrient deficiencies, sedentary lifestyle and dehydration. Another major factor

Using Ashwagandha to Reverse Subclinical Hypothyroidism

Subclinical hypothyroidism is a condition with mildly elevated TSH, the hormone which increases to provide feedback when thyroid levels are low, but unlike hypothyroidism, the levels of peripheral thyroid hormones (T3, T4) are normal in subclinical hypothyroidism. The condition may occur as a result of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease. Stress may also be a factor; chronic stress causes an increase in the hormone cortisol, which can be detrimental to thyroid hormone activation. A person with subclinical hypothyroidism may experience the same symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue, weight gain, and depression, despite having normal thyroid levels. There may also be thyroid antibodies present in subclinical

Can technology cause addiction health problems?

Can a person be addicted to technology? As defined by the American Society of Addiction Medicine, “addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry… This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors…Addiction is characterized by inability to consistently abstain, impairment in behavioral control, craving, diminished recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and a dysfunctional emotional response.” We understand how this definition applies to alcohol, drugs, gambling or even sex addiction. But what about smartphone technology? Is it possible that those little

How protein can define health

As we age, muscle mass naturally declines and it becomes more challenging to maintain it. The medical term for this condition is sarcopenia; it can be seen in older adults who appear frail, thin, and have muscles that are not well defined. It takes a well-planned effort to overcome sarcopenia; consuming adequate protein, strength training and exercise are some of the most beneficial steps to take. It sounds simple, but for seniors, there are challenges such as poor appetite, loss of  taste buds, poor cognition, joint pain, loss of mobility or range of motion, and even depression, all which make

Another successful iodization program

Almost one hundred years ago, the US instituted a salt iodine fortification program in order to rectify a goiter endemic throughout the country. The plan worked. Since then, one-by-one, countries around the world have been fortifying foods with iodine.

It was only 15 years ago when China instituted a fortification program. Recently, researchers in China conducted a study as a check-in to be sure the program was working as planned. They tested 4 different populations (each with different iodine requirements) from different regions of the country: children, pregnant women, lactating women, and adults. The goal was to evaluate any possible changes

Why Omega 3 Fatty Acids Should Be A Part Of Your Daily Diet

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fats that should be consumed daily, but unfortunately they are one of the more neglected categories of foods in the American diet. Omega 3 oil has an anti-inflammatory action throughout the body, which is particularly important for Americans in order to counteract the abundance of inflammatory foods that we tend to consume. Chronic inflammation is at the root of the majority of chronic diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease, arthritis, metabolic syndrome, and signs of accelerated aging. Research also shows that omega 3 fats are beneficial in preventing or relieving conditions such as depression, anxiety, dementia,

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