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New Year Message from Dr. Wilson!

Happy New Year! Will 2015 be the year you are able to get on an upward spiral of improving health? I sure hope so! 2014 was a great year with many more doctors learning of and embracing recent research that shows that people with normal TSH may still benefit from thyroid support.*

Over the past twenty years, I’ve seen hundreds of physicians enthusiastically embrace the concept and begin restoring wellness to their patients through the simple means of normalizing their patients’ low body temperatures. At a recent conference, a doctor told me that 21 years ago, his wife was finally able to conceive when her temperature was normalized with T3 therapy. He’s so happy and that 21 year old is in college now! Another doctor I heard from the other day was telling of how many patients she’s been able to help through the years with this simple, straightforward approach. As the word has been spreading among happy physicians and grateful patients, we are gradually seeing better acceptance from the mainstream medical community.

However, as you may know, the vast majority of doctors and patients are still unaware of this potentially life-changing information and approach. There is still much we can do to help many more doctors and patients around the world. I predict 2015 will be a great year to grow the fire even brighter.

Most doctors that are treating Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome first heard about it from one of their patients. I am happy to speak with any of your doctors for free (your doctor can call 800 420 5801 to make arrangements). I will continue to lecture at medical conferences in 2015 and I will also do my best to answer questions (and refer to Restorative Medicine doctors on our list of medical providers) that we get from our blog and facebook community. If you know someone who has been suffering from low temperature symptoms (such as chronic fatigue, depression, PMS, insomnia, easy weight gain, anxiety, and many others), please share our website and FB page so they can learn how they can turn their health around.

I admire all you do to help others and cheers to a happy and healthy 2015!

Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Denis Wilson

*Hundreds of references can be found in my 2014 book, Evidence-based Approach to Restoring Thyroid Health.

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