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What would the expected thyroid blood test values be after a couple of weeks of T3 therapy?

What would the expected thyroid blood test values be after a couple of weeks of T3 therapy?

One would expect the TSH, T4, and RT3 levels to be lower, and the T3 to be higher than when the patient started T3 therapy. One would expect the T3 resin uptake test to be lower than it was, since the T3 resin uptake test is low when Total T3 by RIA (RadioImmunoAssay) is high, and it is high when Total T3 by RIA is low. The TSH, T4, and RT3 levels may be low (approaching zero), depending on the dose the patient is taking at the time of the blood tests. But suppressing T4 levels by suppressing TSH levels for a time appears to be very important in resetting the system. In other words, the suppression of T4 levels for a time is the whole point of the treatment, and in no way comes as any surprise.