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How high up on the medicine does one go on each cycle of T3 therapy?

How high up on the medicine does one go on each cycle of T3 therapy?

Rather than to go much higher than 90 mcg’s p.o. BID, it is usually best to wean off the present T3 cycle in preparation of beginning another cycle (p83)(c12). This is because the temperature can often be brought up to normal on much lower doses in subsequent cycles, when it never could be on much higher doses in previous cycles. Also, if the temperature has not been brought up to normal with 90 mcg/dose, it very often will not be even with much higher doses. This is especially true when doses close to 90 mcg have seemingly no effect on the patients’ temperatures. However, when a patient’s temperature is responding to each incremental dosage increase, only to predictably drop back down again each time (within about the same period of time each time-the patient’s compensation time), then it may be productive to go up higher than 90 mcg/dose. The dose may be increased a step at a time, as needed, up to several increments higher if there are no side effects or complaints.

Compensation is not an infinite process, and the hope is that the patient’s temperature is very close to being captured (c9). When there is a cause-effect relationship that is being demonstrated with each increase, the use of slightly higher dosages is more clearly justified.