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Having a Hard Time with Blood Sugar Control?

Blood sugar control

Are you having a hard time with blood sugar control?  Check your body temperature.

Research shows that people with type 2 diabetes are more likely than normal to also have thyroid problems. People with low temperatures have a harder time controlling their blood sugar level, and are more likely to sustain collateral organ damage such as kidney failure. In fact, “Failure to recognize the presence of abnormal thyroid hormone levels may be a primary cause of poor management of diabetes mellitus type 2,” state one group of researchers.

Even if your test results show normal thyroid hormone blood levels, you can still have problems with low thyroid hormone activity (Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome). WTS can be due to thyroid hormone “resistance.” Just like insulin resistance, this is a problem with faulty receptor sites on the membranes of cells. Your thyroid is secreting enough T4, the inactive form of the hormone, but it is not getting into cells, where it is needed.  Or, T4 may be getting inside cells, but once, there, not being converted to T3, the active form of thyroid hormone. In either case, your blood tests may show normal levels of T4 and TSH, but you may still have problems related to low intracellular T3.

An easy way to find out if you have adequate T3 in your cells is by taking your body temperature. A consistently low body temperature, typically below 97.8, strongly suggests you have slow metabolism, which could be due to low T3. (For more on how to take your temperature accurately, see “How Are Body Temperatures Measured“.)

Slow metabolism and resulting low body temperature interfere with many biochemical reactions in the body, including proper glucose metabolism. You can be tired, hungry and have high blood sugar all at the same time!

People with low temperatures can often recover on their own when their bodies are given proper support such as proper diet, exercise, sleep, thyroid support herbs and adrenal support herbs.  On the other hand, some people will need T3 therapy in order to normalize their low body temperatures. Your doctor can call us at 800.420.5801 to get more information about how to use T3 and to discuss your individual case.  The object of T3 therapy is to normalize your oral body temperatures to average 98.6 during treatment.  (See “How are body temperatures measured” for complete instructions.)

Correcting your body temperature may make it much easier to manage your blood sugar and avoid diabetes-related complications, and even help normalize it completely. Even people already taking T4 (Synthroid) may find that replacing the T4 with T3 may improve their health and well-being.


Rai S, Kumar J A, Shetty SK, et al. Thyroid Function In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and in Diabetic Nephropathy. J Clin Diagn Res. 2013 Aug;7(8):1583-1585. Epub 2013 Aug 1.

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  1. Cekestino Rivera January 3, 2014 at 6:03 pm - Reply

    I want to know what is the cause, of the syndrome. What explain that the body dont metabolize the hormone

    • Dr. Denis Wilson January 5, 2014 at 6:29 pm - Reply

      Hi Cekestino, There are many potential reasons the body may not metabolize T4 to T3. It could be due to nutritional deficiencies, such as selenium. It could be toxins such as from pesticides and plastics and heavy metals. Could be due to stress. Could be due to increased destruction of the deiodinating enzyme due to thyroid hormone imbalance. Gut dysbiosis and other health problems can contribute.

  2. Willa deFouw January 28, 2014 at 7:29 pm - Reply

    I have been on Synthroid for more than 20 years. The past few years have not been great. Diabetes, painful joints, itchy skin, panic attacks, weight gain, and more. I am going to go see Dr Ng in Whiterock, BC in a few weeks to start the T3 protocol. I understand that having low iron (my ferritin level is 3) and low cortisol could affect how the treatment works. Are there some tests that I can have ordered by my family doctor to help Dr. Ng? A couple of years ago when my TSH was very high, a pharmacist gave me .025 Synthroid instead of .250, which I took for 100 days because I was unaware of the mistake. My body and my mind went crazy, severe panic attacks and claustrophobia. When I was put on the correct Synthroid .250, within 2 weeks the panic attacks and claustrophobia were gone. However, my Family Doctor and the Endocrinologist don’t believe that the Synthyroid is the problem. When I start the protocol, is there an amount to start with that corresponds to the amount of Synthroid that I have been taking, so that I don’t suffer the consequences again while building up the T3 doses. My body temperature is not consistant, ranging from 96 to 98.2, but mostly in the 97 range. The Endocrinologist thinks that I am nuts to consider the T3 protocol, and thinks that it will mess up my blood sugar control (which is kinda messed up anyway, I am on Insulin). I am stoked about finally having the money for the Naturapath. Thanks for this website and all the information that you give.

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